Cybersecurity Human Risk Management Forum

The CHRM forum is a select group of cybersecurity leaders who share in the collective goal of enabling their business colleagues to protect themselves and their organizations from cyber crime.

The Forum provides a collaborative space where CISOs and security teams can gain valuable knowledge on metrics, investment justification, and employee engagement, empowering them to enhance their organization's cybersecurity posture effectively.

In an increasingly complex digital landscape, where human error remains a significant contributor to breaches, this forum gathers experts to share insights, strategies, and best practices. 

Join us at the CHRM Forum

where you can engage with your peers who are also passionate about enabling their human layer in the defense against cyber intrusion

These roundtables are hosted by OutThink's EVP of Technology & Analytics, Lev Lesokhin, who is developing the Cyber HRM Framework, in collaboration with a handful of CISOs and security awareness practitioners from SANS, DHS and several financial services institutions.

Youโ€™ll get insights from top CISOs and security leaders on their playbooks and high impact quick wins for developing the building blocks for the future of this space. Donโ€™t miss out on the next wave in Cyber HRM progress!

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